
Biblioblogos contains the collective biblical and theological musings of Trevor W. O’Neal.

I am a senior at Campbell University, NC, where I’m completing a BA in Religion. Many Christian traditions helped to form me (Baptist, Evangelical, house/organic church, Charismatic, and others) such that I jokingly call myself a “theological mutt.” I have gleaned much from these traditions and continue to learn from others.

A native of North Carolina, I am a student of life, writer, burgeoning Bible scholar and theologian, poet, lover of Jesus, philosophizer, music lover, bibliophile, thinker, and sports enthusiast (UNC Tarheels and Baltimore Ravens). I am married to the most awesome woman a man could ask for–Amy–and we have a crazy chocolate lab/hound mix puppy named Sadie!

Plagued by curiosity, I would love to hear your thoughts.


I chose Biblioblogos to be the name of my blog for a couple of reasons. As a smalltime wordsmith, I like to tinker around with words. Biblioblogos is one of my creations.

First, take the word blog and mash it together with the word logos. That will give you blogos. Next, add the prefix biblio-, and Voila!  Biblioblogos!

For all you math/science types: [biblio + b(log) + logos = biblioblogos]

Okay, so now you know how I created it, but what does it mean?

On the most basic level, this is a blog, and the prefix biblio- means “book.” Simple enough. There is a whole category of blogs called “biblioblogs.” These are blogs that have a significant focus on the Bible (the Book). They can include other things as well, but the primary thrust of what they cover is related to the Bible. As a student and lover of the Bible, I want to connect my blog with other biblioblogs.

The other part of the word is logos. For anyone familiar with Greek or theology, logos is a loaded term. Logos (Gk. λóγος) basically means “word” (the most common translation). It can also mean something like speech, discourse, instruction, or conversation. But the theological overtones of logos mean much more. Here, of course, I am talking about Jesus who is the Word of God and our best understanding of who God is. By logos I intend to say that I want to have a blog that is about good theology too.

Basically, I want to have a blog that is about robust biblical and theological engagement and all that that entails. I see no need to maintain the artificial divide between biblical studies and theology or the perceived chasm between scholarly, academic work and the practical, down-to-earth life in the community of faith. I want to maintain a holistic understanding of the orthodox Christian faith.

Biblioblogos seeks to explore biblical and theological reflection as it relates to the life of the orthodox Christian faith in the 21st century. 

I hope that helps.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you’ll join me on the journey!

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